The Company is committed to attaining best practice environmental performance of its operations. Mining,
processing and exploration are the core of our business.
We aim to minimise potential impacts to the environment and community by conducting our operations in
accordance with the Company’s sustainability commitments and environment management planning. The major objectives of these management plans are:

  • Progressive rehabilitation;
  • Prevent contamination;
  • Maximise reuse and recycling opportunities;
  • Preserve cultural heritage;
  • Engage community stakeholders; and
  • Participate in community development.

We will be assessing our capabilities and environmental disclosure transparency across the key dimensions of climate change impact, nature impact (land and biodiversity), and freshwater availability.

To address climate change impact, we intend to assess and report our performance, firstly, on GHG emissions and secondly, our alignment to TCFD recommendations. Our first Annual Sustainability Report will provide visibility of our plans in these areas (including commitments, implementation timelines and targets).

On land and biodiversity, neither Mt Boppy nor Wonawinta are adjacent to any KBA’s (Key Biodiversity Areas) or existing NSW National Parks, State Forest or Nature Reserves and EIA’s (Environmental Impact Assessments) have been done for our mining sites. If we do become aware of any vulnerable or endangered species that may be impacted by our operations, we will commit to conducting a biodiversity baseline study (an assessment of the biodiversity values). This would include the species, habitats and ecological systems present, their current condition and their trends before a project commences.

Water is a key focus globally and has a specific SDG dedicated to it. Water is a critical resource in Cobar and the surrounding region which includes our mine sites and exploration areas. Climate change is likely to increase the regularity and severity of drought conditions and we commit to appropriate and sustainable water management. This will include continual assessment of our water usage in the context of overall availability. Key elements include the use of bore water at Wonawinta and adding to process water via recycling from the tailings dam.


Cobar Region

Mt Boppy Mine Site

Wonawinta Mine Site

Tailings Dam Emergency Plan

Water Reuse

GHG Emissions

Cyanide Management